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About SALG

The mission of Sanitation & Literacy, Ghana, SALG is two pronged: To advance
literacy efforts and improve sanitation in Ghana.
Ghana (SALG) is an organization that focuses on promoting sanitation and
supporting the education of children in schools in Ghana through the provision of
books through Books for Africa, to schools, libraries, and orphanages throughout
To date, SALG has distributed over 10 40ft containers of books to schools, libraries,
orphanages and other institutions in Ghana

The Literacy Problem

Reading is essential to the education of children. This is particularly so in
the primary school years. A World Bank/USAID assessment in 2008 found that the
average correct words read per minute by students of Class 2 and 3 in Ghana was
15.5. This is below the average for students in other African countries. In another
representative sample, 34% of class 2 and class 3 students simply cannot read.
These numbers have not changed much over the years.
For many students across the world, having easy access to a library is an
afterthought - an expected inclusion in schools or across communities. However, for
many students across Ghana, having access to a library has come to not be an
expected element of the educational journey at the critical and formative levels. Many
go through elementary to secondary school without ever sitting in a public or private
library, in their schools or across their communities.
Our country has very few public libraries which means that our students do not easily
have a way to read, research or access books for leisure. For students in rural parts
of Ghana, accessing a library which may have the national school textbooks and
curriculum is farfetched.

The Sanitation Problem (Lack of Accessibility to Safe and Sanitary Toilets)

Many urban and rural communities in Ghana have used pit latrines and improved pit latrines over
the years. However, these toilets have been smelly, fly-ridden and environmentally intrusive and
a disgusting experience for users who have no choice but to go in the daily necessity to relieve
themselves. These toilets are often public and located far from the typical travels of most people
in the community.

The goal of SALG is to solve both the accessibility and health problems resulting from the lack of sanitation facilities.

In 2015, in partnership with Dr. Mecca and The Global Sustainability Project, we created SALG,
Sanitation Program

1.This partnership resulted in the innovative GSAP Microflush Toilet: An off-grid, sustainable,
environmentally friendly, low cost, odor-and fly-free toilet that reuses small amounts of water to
flush the toilets.
2. We also help to train local entrepreneurs and cooperatives in proper fabrication of these
models, enabling them to start their own small businesses.
In 2018, we trained and certified 16 entrepreneurs to start their own businesses in building

What We Do- Literacy

Recognizing the foundational role reading plays in educational development of children,
Sanitation and Literacy Ghana, (SALG) is dedicated to promoting a culture of literacy and
sanitation in Ghana. We look to achieve this in various ways:
● To provide easy public access to a variety of books
through the establishment of libraries
● Equip public schools in Ghana with books and
educational materials to improve literacy for the poorest
low performing schools in Ghana
● Establish and equip community libraries with books
and internet access to serve as hubs of learning and
enterprise in poor communities.
To provide a safe space and a learning environment for young students to study after
To provide access to bio toilets in rural communities.
The goal of the project is to establish a library and a computer lab at Afari and train
teachers on techniques to promote reading and literacy in Ghana.

Point of Contact:

Rosemond Sarpong Owens

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